When I was planning to leave my successful corporate career, I was not sure what I wanted to do next. I shared my confusion with a mathematician and he replied, “Solve for X.” I asked him to explain and he shared that if I could define the three key elements (A, B, C) of what I would like to do in the next phase of my career, I would be able to solve for X.
A + B + C = X
After much reflection, “A” equaled event planning, “B” equaled adult education, and “C” equaled spirituality and wellness. My “X” career moved to creating events for adults interested in learning about spirituality and wellness. I have since moved on to become the Executive Director for the Seniors Job Bank, and I am enjoying this as well.
I would invite you to Solve for “X” for your encore career. As a reminder, your encore career does not have to be exactly what you did before but the combination of your experience, talents, and interests.